Thanks to its NE to SW orientation, exposing it to the dry southern mountain winds while sheltering it from the polar-borne winds -and the nature of its terrain- with sun-drenched fields and a profusion of stone ruins, ancient terrace walls and natural rubble, the Trient valley is a natural haven for snakes which have been observed as high as 8,ooo feet beside melt water trickles and streams. Since spring 2005, it has been possible to observe, film and photograph snakes on site directly from the premises, notably Aspic and Lebetine vipers among others. Virtually un-noticed before, they emerged in large numbers five months prior to a rare earthquake that struck the valley (Col de Balme earthquake, its epicenter less than 2 km from the premises.) Extremely ornery and irate despite the cool weather at the time of their emergence, none of the snakes showed any compulsion to flee human presence or activities, camping their grounds and displaying extreme territoriality throughout the summer until late autumn, after the quake, when they returned underground. In 2006, their orneriness had diminished but their numbers remained notable. A newborn asp squatted the Association’s doorstep during ten days before slowly moving on, and several snake-friendly, bite-dissuasive methods of cohabitation were, by necessity, tried. Any questions? Contact us.

Asp Viper

Please note: The Wild Association follows an ethic of non-intervention. It is strictly forbidden to disturb any native life form, including snakes, i.e.: no stressful proximity, manipulations or intrusions of any sort are allowed on site. Provoking snakes even not deliberately puts everyone at risk, then and in the future. Therefore, The Wild Association kindly asks all herpetologists and professional amateurs to follow a “hands off, wide berth” policy for all snakes seen along or beside paths as well; this for the safety of future passers-by. n request, professionals can be directed to un-frequented areas known to be snake-full.

Attention: You are hereby notified that the Wild Association will assume no responsibility whatsoever in case of snakebite on site, or elsewhere.
