The Wild Association considers what is commonly known as " bugs " as an integral part of the eco-system, and, as such, worthy of the same respect given to others.

Collecting live specimens is thus strictly forbidden on and around the premises

The Wild Association's first project was to turn a field overrun with nettles into a flowered alpen field, this to increase biodiversity within the microfauna and thus be profitable to all on up the food chain, -us included-.

Polyommatus Icarus

As a result, our grounds harbor, among others, the protected Parnassius Apollo and Aglais Urticae buttefly, a wide variety of scarabs, bees, ants (including the protected pine-needle ant), arachnids, and many others species.

Melanargia Galathea

Zygaena Filipendulae
Arginnis Paphia

Apis Mellifeca

Macroglossum Stellatarum

Melanargia Galathea

Parnassius Apollo

Papilio Machaon

Tettigonia Viridissima

Tettigonia Viridissima

Polygonia C-album

Heodes Virgaurae

Chrysomela Varians

We use no insecticides, fungicides nor weeders in the gardens or on the grounds. Instead, we rely on plant associations and insect upon insect predation for pest control, the later by favorizing access to the insects already on site instead of package releases. Birds, bats and lizards also take part in pest control, as do spiders.
